Tight finances recently had me calling out to God for help to diaper my toddler. My over-preparing mind wandered about Baby #4’s diapering future, too. Cloth Diapers to the rescue!
When I was pregnant with our first baby, I researched disposables versus cloth and found that obviously, cloth was the way to go for overall health- not only for baby’s skin but the planet as well (yes, cloth diapers to the rescue!) Here is a book that will help with the transition (and in thinking, too!) from disposable to cloth.
We went a couple different routes: pocket and tri-fold, mostly because at the time we could only do half of a small 32 cloth pocket diaper layette and made up the difference with the cheaper, classic tri-fold.
The pocket diapers we went with were BumGenius and they are awesome! Even after using them for different extended times with each of our three daughters, they have minimal wear and tear! We even got a large bag and a small bag for when we go on trips...
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